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The top eight contestants miss world answer in the competition


In the glittering heart of Mumbai, India, on the 9th of March, the world turned its gaze towards the esteemed Miss World competition. Amidst the vibrant cultural tapestry of India, contestants from across the globe gathered to showcase their beauty, grace, and intellect. Hosted by the charismatic duo of Karan Johar and Megan Young, the event promised not only a spectacle of elegance but also a platform for profound expression. As the competition unfolded, each contestant faced the challenge of articulating their thoughts on pressing global issues, offering a glimpse into their depth, passion, and vision. In this blog article, we delve into the top eight contestants' responses, dissecting their answers to uncover the essence of their perspectives and aspirations. Join us as we unravel the eloquence and insight that illuminated the stage of the Miss World competition in Mumbai.

The top eight contestants miss world answer

    Date: 9 March 2024
    Presenters:  Karan Johar, Megan Young
    Entertainment: ShaanNeha KakkarTony KakkarToni-Ann Singh
    Venue: Jio World Convention Centre, Mumbai, India

    Top Eight Contestants

    • Leticia Frota - Brazil 
    • Aché Abrahams - Trinidad & Tobago 
    • Lesego Chombo - Botswana - 
    • Hannah Tumukunde - Uganda
    • Krystyna Pyszkova - Czech Republic - 
    • Jessica Gagen -England - 
    • Sini Shetty -India 
    • Yasmina Zaytoun -Lebanon - 
    The top eight contestants were selected and the moment actually arrived which peaked the curiosity of all the audience with the amazing questions and answers given by the contestants. Applause broke out and the first tangents were called forward. Karan welcomed them as lovely girls and Mr. Karan Johar popped the question.

    1) Leticia Frota - Brazil

    Karan Johar: I have a question for you, are you ready? ..... OK beautiful girl
    The question was - "According to you What is the most pressing issue that most working women face and why?"

    A beautiful smile appeared on her face and she started answering.
    Ans: I would say equality and because we saw society when unfortunately many women in different countries don't have the sane opportunity we saw women who don't have access to education to choose their dreams to follow their passion and this is something that I would like to change in the world, because every women deserves to follow their own dreams, I'm greatful to be here follow my dream and I also want to see other women's follow on their dreams... Thank you.

    And as soon as she finished her answer, the audience applauded her answer.

    After that, the next contestant who was called was welcomed with applause and without wasting time.

    2) Aché Abrahams - Trinidad & Tobago

    'Karan Johar' asked her a question.

    Going to be the same question for you, 'Trinidad and Tobago' So the same question "According to you what is the most pressing issue, that most working women face and why?"

    She also started the answer with a sweet smile, and she said ... 
    Ans ....Aché Abrahams: I can only speak from a Caribbean perspective I come from beautiful but small ice-lands and I have to say sometimes it's not a lack of Talent Or skills it's a lack of opportunities , So I am so grateful for Miss Rull because you are allowing this platform to really follow dreams as my sister said, But truth is I just want to take this moment to speak to every little boy and every little girl from my country my small island and and other small nations that may be watching this I want you to know your voice is just powerful as anybody elese's your passion is just needed your light is just as bright I believe in you have to believe in yourself and come represent our small island nations .. Thank you...!

    Wow beautiful answers from both ladies let's given it up for Brazil and Trinided and Tobago, one of them will be the continent every exciting. 

    3) Lesego Chombo - Botswana

    Karan: And Now Megan the two Qualifiers from Africa . Can you Please Join us Lovely Ladies.

    Botswana:.... I have your question. 
    Question: If you could convince people, from all over the world to adopt a green and Planet friendly practice what would it be and why? 

    Botswana: Ans: Thank you very much for your Question, it would definitely agriculture where I come from we'are very big on sustainable agriculture and this is becouse it's not  just issue of green. It's also an issue of solving issues such as hunger and poverty and ensuring that communities and people who are unable to make a living sustain themselves, but more than that every time we take care of nature we take care of future . I'd love to encourage every single person to take up Social responsbility and ensure and ensure from a every personal level that you take your part in being with a purpose Ambassador and sustaining our environment and our beautful world. 

    4)  Hannah Tumukunde - Uganda

    Karan; Give it up for ladies and gentlemen .
    All right now we have Uganda over here beside me and this will be the same qustion. If you could convince people from all over the world to adopt a green and planet friendly practice what would it be and why?

    Ans Hannah Tumukunde:  If I convince people one thing I would tell them is to plant trees when we plant trees we avoid drought I;m going to speak from my background, I come from people are very poor becouse they face drought, When you face drought you're going to sell up your children to go and get married. I am one of the survivors that got yhat suvived from getting married at every yuoung age.and I am standing here I feel like if  perents get to know this and do this one of their children would make it here This global stage and they will represent women just need a voice they need to know that they can make it in any way.

    Karan: Yesss ....!

    Thank You so much I believe both of you have inspired many women today as well give it Up
    Megan shall we Czech Republic and England

    5) Krystyna Pyszkova - Czech Republic

    Karan: All right Chech Republic the first question is for you 
    "Could you shed light on issue concerning Women Health Care What would it be and why?"

    Ans  Krystyna Pyszkova: Thank you for your Question uh being a woman is a big gift and I can be more greatful to Stand here proudly as a woman representing all of the women in the world, and I think Uh  the issue which will never should forget is about the menstruation because women in many countries are still facing the shame when it comes to menstruation and they are afraid to talk about it and they don't get the per attention that they need to thank you...!

    karan: Thank you Czech Pepublic.

    6) Jessica Gagen -England 

    Now We have England.
    Again If you could shed light an issue?
    concerning concerning Women's Health care what would it be and why?

    Ans Jessica Gagen England.: I would shed light on the fact that there is a lack of compassion and that there is a stigma surrounding Women's Health-care through out the world there's women face imp period poverty who are made to feel embarrassed for being female there's children who are missing school because of natural bodily function, So I think it's up to all of us as strong independent women representing our countries today to take a stand educate the massage about this issue.

    All right Thank you So much and again from Europe Czech Republic and England.

    7) Sini Shetty -India

    Karan: All right chech Republic the first qustion is for you "Could you shed light on issue concerning Womens Helth Care What would it be and why?"

    Ans Sini Shetty: "Thank you for your Question uh being a woman is a big gift and I can be more greatful to Stand here proudly as a woman representing all of the women in the world, and I think Uh  the issue which will never should forget is about the menstruation because women in many countries are still facing the shame when it comes to menstruation and they are afraid to talk about it and they don't get the per attention that they need to thank you...!"

    karan: "Thank you Czech Pepublic."

    karan: Now We have England.Again ... If you could shed light an issue?
    Concerning concerning Women's Heath care what would it be and why?

    Ans: Jessica Gagen England: "I would shed light on the fact that there is a lack of compassion and that there is a stigma surrounding Women's Healthcare through out the world there's women face imp period poverty who are made to feel embarrassed for being female there's children who are missing school becouse of natural bodily function, So I think it's up to all of us as strong independent women representing our countries today to take a stand educate the massage about this issue."

    All right Thank you So much and again from Europe Czech Republic and England.

    karan Johar; "The Two Qualifiers of India and Lebanon. Hello India The first Question is for you...  
    Can you suggest a way that women can be empowered through the social media ?"

    Ans Shini India: "Well... Today we live in world where social media is the such power of such use that conversation and awareness can create change and I do believe that social media has the power to change get world living in the Generation Z and being the part of generation Z just conversation and awareness around the fact of how women empowerment can take its resource towards progressive March and perfection, standing here on the platform of miss world I take the light to be the change to be the source using social media to its utmost utility to the power of change. "

    karan Johar; "Thank You India "

    8) Yasmina Zaytoun -Lebanon

    And the course last but not the very least Lebanon. The same question "Suggest a way that women can be empowered through Social Media?'

    Ans Yasmina Zaytoun Lebanon: "Good Evening Everyone First of course, social media plays a big role in our life , but for to empower women first we have to start by ourselves to py pageant yo normalize being authentic to normalize that It's okay to not be perfect it's ok to be our-self and that's why we are here, today I have witnessed that all of us are different here but everyone is beautiful but by-by her own way and that's why we are all here Queens So to everyone watching me now be who you are be authentic to yourself just be you because that's what I make you perfect and unique and let normalize be authentic. Thank you so much,,,!"

    karan Johar; "All right Thanks you so much once again India and Lebanon."

    And this round of question and answer ended here with thunderous applause. All the audience congratulated the contestants very much and enjoyed the evening very much, looking forward to the next amazing and finale round. 

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